Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Heart Transplant Friends

The word "why". What does it mean when a moment in time brings so many beautiful people together.

On August 12, 2008, I walked into a small conference room at Santa Clara Heart Transplant Center to attend a support meeting. I was scared. Gary, Debbie, Mom and I did not know what would happen next.

We were among 10-15 recently heart transplants patients who ranged in age and years being tranplanted. They all welcomed us and made us feel loved just like "family".

I came there that day to especially meet Dr. Kevin Anderson. I know I have mentioned his name before throughout this blog. Kevin and I have the same type of Amyloidosis and we were digonased two weeks apart from eachother. Why?

Kevin was happy to meet me and I can't tell you how happy I was to meet him. He is a doctor. His life has been devoted treating and caring for his patients. I told him that day, he can take good care of me and he has. Through these last months of ups and downs, whenever I got scared or felt down, I would call him. He always picked up my spirits so I could keep going on.
Why has life brought us together in this moment. Only one person knows. I am very grateful for the love and support Kevin and Barbie have given me.

Also, that day I noticed a beautiful young mother. Kids and husband close by to support her. I didn't know her story or why she was there, but why did this moment bring us together?

I met Tippy and she is such an inspiration to me. Tippy has a disease called "FA" which had damaged her heart. She received a new heart on August 28th and is doing great. She was with me everyday before my heart transplant and I will always be grateful for our wonderful friendship.

She's my wild little girl and I can't wait till we are both well and can do a "girl's day out".

The support group is very important to all of us and many thanks go out to Janet Stevenson who has worked very hard supporting us.

I thank God for the many blessing I have received throughout these moments in time, but the people I have met will always hold a special place in my heart.



Mary Ann said...

I love you sissy!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!

Mary Ann

Tippi said...

who is that Tippi girl??
I like her too hehehe

Love ya bunches and I cant wait for a girls day out also
hugs :)