Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Mohawk Was a Joke

The boys were teasing me to cut my hair into a mohawk and wear that until my hair fell out. Well I can't do that but Teri cut my hair and shape it into a mohawk so the boys could see what their Mom looked like with a mohawk. These pictures are what I look like now. It was emotional but its either "hair" or "life". I chose LIFE!

Today is the big day "Transplant Day" or Day 0. I don't know what time my transplant will take place but they say you are pretty out of it from the drugs they will be giving me for reactions to DSMO and nausea. I should sleep most of the day.

I'm glad this part is over and I can move on to begin recovery and my new normal life. I have to get through this next week and be on the road to recovery.

Have a wonderful day. Make moments that take your breath away.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sissy, No tears, remember this is another step, and soon you will be all done on your way to Italy, or Spain, or even France. Remember that you have a whole life ahead of you. Oh by the way you can stuff me in one of those suitcases/
I love you Sissy