Thursday, May 28, 2009

Minus One Day to Transplant

Tomorrow is the big day transplant. Yesterday I spent the whole day resting. I felt great with lots of energy. Could be the Decadron they are giving me again which wires me up and that's why I'm writing at 4:00 in the morning. They gave me Decadron to help with nausea during chemo. I watched two movies, Under the Tuscan Sun and Return to Me. Both my favorite movies and they both were filmed in Italy which makes me so happy when I watch and see places I have been to. I finally got to take a shower and wash my hair for the last time before Teri buzzs it off today. It felt so good. I have been walking 20 minutes around the loop of the E1 unit. Very boring! I'm used to walking next to vineyards and parks. I hate staring at the walls and seeing other patients through the windows of their rooms. They are not allowed to come out due to their white cell count. I'll be there next week.

So today, Teri and Linda will be here around 2:00PM. I'm so excited to see them and of course cutting my hair. I want it over and done with, so I don't have to stress anymore about it. We are going to have some fun first. Check out my blog later this evening.

My friend Laura who just completed a stem cell transplant in Los Angeles told me a trick to use while they infuse the stem cells back into my body. The stem cells are preserve with a drug called DSMO. This drug has a very strong odor and it causes a bad taste in your mouth and breath. She said a nurse there told her to suck on suckers while being infused. So I texted Linda and told her to bring me some "suckers". She texts back "husbands or candy". I needed that, she is so funny!

Mom, Gary and Debbie will come to visit tomorrow. Gary and Debbie leave Sunday for Switzerland, so they won't see me for a few weeks. I have that on my list of places to go.

Enjoy the moments today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That is a Horse Linament hahahaha i use to put that on my horses. Oh yes it smells from the bottle like garlic onion mix and if it gets into your mouth it taste like crap.

Make sure you put pictures up sissy. No my Big Chia Pet. Brenda looked so cute the first time we shaved her, like you she didn't want to tramatic thing so she just buzzed it all off. Dorothy waited and watched her hair just fall out. No thank you on that one no way.

Well I'm feeling better and just got some good neewwwwws. The lady at the hospital is calling me tomorrow and letting me know if I start 8am on Monday.

I love you sissy