Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 1

Today was the first day and it started at 8:00AM. Mark, Mom and I got to the aphersis unit at Stanford. The nurse took vitals and temperature. Next she started taking blood for lab work. All was going well until she took out the needle and notice she forgot to take blood for one test CMV. So0000, she had to start another blood draw on my other arm. That did not go well. She used the area around my wrist, which is kind of tender and got it in but the vein collapsed. Oh this is not good! So she called another nurse to help. I have been told my skin is very tough and don't I know it. How could anyone go through what I have gone through and not have tough skin. So the other nurse decided that because I was going to have my catheter inserted upstairs that they should help the nurses and start the IV line now. She proceed to insert this HUGE needle with a plastic coating through the same area as the other nurse and I lost it. I started to cry because it hurt BAD. Mom immediately came to my side to help me get through it while the nurse kept pushing this needle in me. That was not fun. Next came the neupogen shot. The nurse asked if I was going to do self injections and I said no, that my Mom would give me the shots. She asked Mom if she wanted to give me the first shot with her standing over me and Mom said yes. I could tell Mom was nervous but she did it perfectly. She started pushing the drug in fast and the nurse said to slow down because of a burning sensation. Once she did it was fine. I had the burning sensation for a few hours but no reaction to the drug so far. Mom will have to give me the shot again tonight and each night we are in the apartment. After that ordeal it was time to go up to the 3rd floor to start the procedure to insert the Hickman catheter into my chest.

To be honest I was so nervous for weeks about this procedure but really it went quite well. It felt exactly like the 20 plus heart biopsies I have had. My neck is sore and I have two incisions
in my chest with tubes running out of them. It looks so attractive. Mom and I learned how to clean it and flush the lines, so I think we will be fine. I'm not concerned because I will be in the hospital more than at home anyway. Right now I'm really tired and my neck is sore.

Tomorrow we have day 2 which starts at the aphersis unit for my shot and blood work and then we are free for the rest of the day. I want Mom to watch the movie with Will Smith called "Seven Pounds". Great movie! We are going to just rest and relax and maybe go for a short walk around the apartment complex. The grounds are beautiful with lots of trees and flowers.

I will continue going to Stanford on Saturday and Sunday for my shot and blood draw. Mom will give me the shot each evening. On Monday I will be admitted to Stanford for the first day of stem cell collection. The nurse said the first day they have a good feeling of how many stem cells they can collect and how long I will be in the hospital for stem cell collection. I am hoping only a few days. Only time will tell.

Yesterday I realized just how lucky I am. Mom and I meet two amazing young women. Both so beautiful. One who had a very rare cancer who was told by the doctors that chemo is not working and there is nothing else they can do for her. The other looked like about 20-25 years old with breast cancer. She had the operation to remove both breasts and yesterday was her first day of chemo. I am so blessed to be able to have the stem cell transplant and of course my beautiful shared heart to fight this horrible disease. I have options and they don't. I pray for them and realize just how blessed I am. Each of us needs to look at our lives and think about how blessed we are to be healthy and alive.

Enjoy those moments that take your breath away! Moments for me like this weekend spending time with my three sons and my daughter Erin. I want more times like that!

Have a wonderful evening!



Mary Ann said...

Hi Sissy,
Your right this is the begining of the rest of your life. One day we will be sitting in your kitchen bitching and moaning about one of our grandkids and we look back on these days and it will all be worth it. Your right you do have tough skin I know I could never go through what your going through I would have been gone along time ago. Do what I do, think about two weeks from now and all this will be over. I saw a quote this morning that made so much sense.

"Each day is a gift, that's why its called the present"

That made a lot of sense to me. Each day your here is a gift to all of us and yes you have to go through a lot of crap but we are all here for you ok your never alone not ever. I love you so much and as always I am so very proud of you. I'm always here for you.

I love you
Mary Ann

Diane Gaggero said...

Dear Debbie
I'm so sorry you had to go through all that to get your blood I pray that things will get easier for you.
I know it must be so hard for your Mom to see you going through all this pain but I don't have to tell you, you know how much she loves you and just wants to see you get better and get on with your life.
I just want you to know I will and have been praying for you and I know God will be watching over you.
Love You
Auntie Diane through

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

Sounds like you had a rough day yesterday that makes me sad. Your so brave just think in a couple of weeks you'll be done with this part. I think of you everyday and say a prayer for you. God and Jasmine are watching over you and I know in my heart that eveything will be o.k. I love you so much you and your Mom take care of yourselves. I'll call you soon. Keep up your good thoughts and spirit you have a lot of family and friends praying for you.

Love Always,

Auntie Mary Joan

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

Sounds like you had a rough day yesterday that makes me sad. Your so brave just think in a couple of weeks you'll be done with this part. I think of you everyday and say a prayer for you. God and Jasmine are watching over you and I know in my heart that eveything will be o.k. I love you so much you and your Mom take care of yourselves. I'll call you soon. Keep up your good thoughts and spirit you have a lot of family and friends praying for you.

Love Always,

Auntie Mary Joan

Anonymous said...

Hi Sissy,
Dam maybe I should be there, they all said I'm a good Vampiress. I don't hurt and get the vein the first shot..

Hey you do have to thank God everyday that you are a strong person, no for get that Thank Mommy that we are Strong like her. Life is to short and you never know what is going to happen, you have the greatest gift, life there are some people that dont get that chance as you know. I know Brenda would of loved to be here but like Ed said she took all the hurt and pain and deiseses with her.

I love you sissy and like Sissy Mary said one day we will be sitting around yelling at our granchildren oh that's right some sonner than others hehehhe, ove me a GandMa lord help me. Well Little Cheserie Rosalie will have to let her Auntie chase her around.

I hope they are takin good care of you, I know Mom is so at least you are taken care of one part of this journey. And yes it is just a Journey.

Well I love you and I will call you and talk to you.

Love Always & Forever
Your little Sissy