Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 4

Yesterday didn't quite go the way we thought. Markie called while I was going to Stanford in the morning and said he was sick. Disappointed I can't take a risk of getting sick so close to the transplant. So I said you can't come and see me. I called Mark and told him Markie was sick and we decided it would be better for him and Maxwell to come down today, Sunday.
This morning Mom and I went to Stanford at 8:30AM to get blood draw and my shot of Neupogen. That went very smooth and we were back to the apartment by 9:30AM. Mark and Maxwell came at 11:30AM with vases of beautiful roses (everyone knows where they got the roses) and cards for Mom and me. It was so nice of them to do that.
I made ham and scalloped potatoes with corn for dinner. Maxwell ate and ran to play hockey in Santa Rosa at 8:00PM. We had a wonderful day!
Stanford called and said my WBC was 38.8. High but ok for Mom to give me the evening shot of Neupogen. A few hours later a nurse from Stanford called regarding my room for check in tomorrow. I wish it was Mr. Askei calling from the Montage in Beverly Hills saying my room will be ready at 10:00AM. Ha Ha! While the nurse proceeded to say she didn't have a room available in E1 (Bone Marrow Transplant Unit) and that I would most likely be staying in D1 (Coronary Unit) or B1 (don't know what unit that is). She said to call back tomorrow morning at 6:00AM to find out where I will be going.
I didn't sleep well last night. The Neupogen shot causes bone pain and did I have it. All night I was up with bone pain in my lower back, thighs and arms. I was up every two hours and finally decided to take a vicadin, the second one. The first one did nothing and to be honest neither did the second one. I kept dozing off for two hours and waking up in pain. Morning finally came and I felt ok during the day. At the moment I am very tired but need to wait until 8:00PM for Mom to give me my shot. Mark is staying with us tonight to bring me to the hospital in the morning and then Mom and him will go back home. He will be back to pick me up from the hospital when I'm ready to leave.
The stay in the apartment was nice but it is not home. I had a beautiful view of the garden area which reminded me of Hawaii. Only thing missing was the beach! Wouldn't that be nice to be in Hawaii? Next year is my goal!
Hope the Moms had a wonderful Mother's Day. I did except missing Matthew, Markie and Erin. I will write again tomorrow evening after my first cell collection. Pray everything goes well and lots of those little guys come out! What a moment it will be!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis & My Mommy,

I hope you guys had a wonderful Mommies Day.

Ok I'm being Blonde (with the little hair I have too) where did the Roses come from?
Speaking of hair yes I cut mine all off. Like I said I did it for Brenda & now I did it for you and Dorothy. It is very short shortest I've ever had. WOW.

Well I hope things get better, I have a simple pain away for ya Sissy, when your pain starts to hurt think of the pain as a giant fireball and send it away, like your holding it in your hand and toss it. It will take a few trys but trust me.

Well I know you are most likly up in a few hours so give yourself a kiss for me and a big hug, and give mommy one too.

this will be over soon and remember that trip we all want to make? the one to New York? You, Me, Sissy Mary, and Mommy. We need to start thinking of The Girl Trip.

Well I love you, keep on smiling and keep up the good attitude.
I love you

Mary Ann said...

HI Sissy I Hope you had a relaxing day. Keep your shin up today and know we are all pulling for you! I love you and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers today. Tell those little suckers to just jump inside that needle we want them!!!

I love you! Give mama a hug for me.
Mary Ann

Mary Ann said...

I ment your chin up geeezzzzz!