Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 2 and Day 3

Day 2
Day 2 started out early in the morning and the ride to Stanford Medical Center. Mom and I did not know how the commute traffic would be so we left at 7:45AM. The ride went smooth, not too much traffic.
We arrived at Stanford at 8:15AM to the apheresis unit. That unit so far has not been very busy. I said to Mom that is one place you don't want to see very busy. The ITA which stands for Infusion Treatment Area is VERY busy. Most patients wait up to one or two hours for infusion. I will be there after the stem cell transplant. The nurse, Victoria, welcomed us and ask that I take chair #2. I was going for door #2 and the trip to Hawaii! HaHa. She then took my vitals and everything was great. Next came blood draw. WOW was that easy now that the catheter is inserted in me. It took less than a minute to get two samples. She flushed my lines so I didn't have to do it later. I asked if she would change the dressing on the catheter but she decided it was too soon and to wait until today, Saturday. Next came the shot. It is interesting how each nurse has a different technique when giving shots. She poked me and started scratching her finger next to the site on my stomach. I wasn't noticing the shot but her finger scratching my skin. Then she used a cotton ball over the site and rubbbed in small little circles. I didn't have the burning sensation that I get after the shot.
Victoria said Mom and I would have to call in to Stanford at 5:00PM to check WBC (White Blood Count). That was new to me, no one said anything about that. She said if the WBC got too high they would not have me do the shot at night. Day 1 WBC was 8 and Day 2 it was 25 when she called me at 3:00PM. Wow that was a big jump. She said my body is sensitive to the drug and that it was ok to get the shot in the evening. They were going to watch the WBC each day. The cutoff number is 45.
Mom and I spent the rest of the day and evening relaxing. We watched hockey games, movies and read. Mom made her famous frittata for dinner with lamb chops. It was so good. I haven't been sleeping well because of the catheter and yesterday I had back pain. The doctors said I would experience bone pain from the neupogen shots. At 2:30AM I took a Vicodin for the pain and finally went to sleep for a few hours.
Today is Day 3 and we have to be at Stanford at 8:30AM for the shot and blood draw. Then this afternoon Mark, Maxwell, Markie and Erin will come to visit and celebrate Mother's Day. We are having ham and scalloped potatoes. Mark will stay tonight and Sunday night to help Mom bring me to the hospital on Monday. I'm anxious to begin cell collection and get that part over.
Have a wonderful Saturday! It is going to be beautiful weather, so enjoy the moment.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sissy and Hello Momma, how is the weather down there? It is so Beautiful up here. Itis a little windy but then that's Lake County for you.

Happy Mothers Day to the Both of You and enjoy your day together, I wish I was there to be with you guys. Let me know who's phone yo call so I can call mommy.

Well you have a big day ahead of you so can't say have fun but enjoy your day after all that.

I love you guys, and give each of you a big hug and kiss and make it from me

I love you
Your little sis and your little girl

Anonymous said...

Ok You TWO,
I called 8 times and your cells go right to voice mail,
Man you two are INCOGNITO...

Enjoy your day, I love you both.
I'm spending it with my Boys and my Daughter.

Love you