Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 5

Sorry I haven't posted since Day 4. I was admitted to Stanford yesterday. After an hour of running around the hospital to get a bed and begin the cell collection, I finally got going at 10:30AM.

My Mom talked to the aphersis nurse, Felix, about the pain I was having for the last 3 days. He was so excited to hear I had a lot of pain. He said that was a good sign that the stem cell collection would go well. He was right! In just 3 1/2 hours, I collected all the stem cells I need for the transplant. I couldn't believe how well it went. Also, my white blood cell count was at 49 which was also a good sign. The color and consistency of the stem cells collected, Felix said were thick and creamy to him. All of this made no sense to me, except I was able to collect all the needed stem cells in just one day. I asked the bone marrow transplant team if I could move the transplant date up one week. They felt it wasn't a problem but would let me know tomorrow. I felt like why not get it over with!

I was released from the hospital today. Thank God. What a one night stay! They forgot about me and I didn't get any lunch until 3:30PM and dinner until 8:30PM. I should have passed on both because all I got was a dryed out turkey sandwich. I didn't even eat the one for dinner. I ended up dizzy and nausea by the time the sandwich came. To be honest I think the two nurses I had for the day and night were not very good. I complained to the doctors this morning. I also told them I felt they didn't know how to handle a stem cell transplant patient. The lab nurse came to draw blood this morning and poked me again. I said why aren't you using the catheter, that's what it is for. She said I would have to ask the nurse. I asked and he said "oh no, we can't use the catheter, it's only for aphersis nurses". The doctor said "no, he is wrong and I will handle that too". I don't like to complain but I'm going through a very serious procedure and I don't want to be treated this way. Eating at 8:30PM and a sandwich to boot is not right. I have so many pills to take and I can't do it on just a sandwich. I need my strength!

So hopefully next time things will go smoother. I'm sure it will! I'm so anxious to get going and have it over. I want to start living my "new normal life". Dr. Kevin came by to see me yesterday. He looks wonderful! He said he is still a little fatigue but each day things are looking up for him. That's where I want to be.

I'm going to rest the rest of the week. I want to be healthy and ready for the next step.

Have a wonderful week and I will post when I know whether the transplant date has been moved up.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sissy,
That is so wonderful and amazing. Wow I didn't realize it would be so easy. Now going into the Phlebotomis Role, I was taught that you are NEVER allowed to use a cathiter for any blood draw. But when I heard or read that they drew you from there I was like "Umm what are they thinking" but then they are the ones that are doing it.

Well I am happy you are doing good and hope to see you soon.

Oh Oh Guess what I know Mom unless you see this I have a wonderful Mom's day present for her, I got some pictures of Little Auntie Mary, Auntie Josie, Auntie Carlina, Uncle Lonnie and Uncle Nicky, Auntie Babe and Mom. I put them (3 pictures) in a wonderful frame and I want to send it to her. When she is down there and you guys are there again for a week or so tell me and I will UPS it to your room ok.

MUMMMMMS the word. And everyone eles who sees this too SSSHHHHHHH.

I love you and can't wait to see you.

Love Me
your baby sis