Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Special Moments

Today I scheduled a facial with Jeanie, Facially Yours. Before transplant I would have one done monthly. They are wonderful! She is a dear friend that I have known for over 25 years. Sadly, Jeanie's wonderful husband Tom passed away last February after a very brave 20 years fighting Leukemia. He was a beautiful person and is missed every day. Most importantly today I got to talk to Jeanie about alot of things that she and Tom went through during his long battle with the disease. Jeanie shared something special with me and that is to live each day as though it is our last. She gave me this saying and I want to share it with you:

Dream as though you'll live forever,
live as though you'll die tomorrow!
She said Tom and her would read this to each other during his fight. I have to say they live by that saying. I remember the trips they took with their two beautiful daughters. They made moments that took their breath away!!! Thanks, Jeanie.
I came home and looked at my emails and saw an email from Rachel, my brother Joey's fiance. First I had to clear something up, I hate the word "in-law". I told you are marrying my brother you are my sister! So in the email Rachel talked about how important my blog has been to her and my brother. How they look at things differently now than before. That is exactly what I wanted to accomplished when I started this blog. She also told me her Mom in Arizona reads my blog and has encouraged her kids to view it. That makes me sooooo happy!!!
I thought from the very first day what I wanted to say each time I opened the blog to write. I know sometimes (like tonight because I took my Decadron and I'm wired and can't sleep) I tend to ramble on but I'm honest about my feelings. So I want to thank Jeanie and Rachel for these moments in time.
Go out and make moments in time that take your breath away!!! This weekend I plan to make lots. Sonia is coming to meet me and I can't wait to give her a BIG HUG - my shared heart (her sister Jazmin's heart) hugging her. What a moment that will be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Debbie. This is Cindy from Bernstein Orthodontics. I've been following your experiences for some time now. I get little updates from Gary or Debbie, and glad to hear you are hanging in there quite well. I wanted to let you know you were in my thoughts, and I pray for your continued progress. Please add me to your list. I always look forward to hearing how you are doing