Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Update on New Chemo Treatment

Yesterday was my first day on the new chemo drug, Cytoxan.  I took another dose this morning.  So far no evidence of side of effects.  I did speak with the oncologist pharmacist about the side effects.  She said as far as she knew no one has complained of any bad side effects from the drug.  She said that the hair falls out when on the drug via infusion.  Infusion is a heavier dosage.  Although as my dosage increases there could be a possibility of losing my hair.  So today I'm going to cut the side shorter and go with a new look.  The main concern everyone has is the bladder problems.  So I'm drinking lots of water and going the bathroom lots.  Not sleeping very well the past few weeks but hey with all this on my mind who could.

I just hope and pray this works.  I need to have my numbers down to 26.  Everyone asks how long on this new treatment.  Well all they can say is that for ever long it takes to get to 26 and stay there.  So I guess that means they don't know.  Still having flutters with the heart but I am under so much stress dealing with all these new developments.  I am so blessed that each day I'm here making precious moments, but I have to say its hard.

Wishing you a wonderful day filled with precious moments.


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