Friday, October 23, 2009

Not Much to Talk About

There hasn't been much to talk about. I guess that is a good thing. No problems with my health. Just the same old things going on. I had a break from chemo this week and that felt good. I was really tired on Thursday and last night slept all night without getting up once. It felt great. I have been having more numbness in the fingers and toes lately. Do not know if its medicines or the disease Amyloidosis.

Tomorrow I will be going to the trailer with Linda Ford. We want to spend some time together, go to dinner and just relax. Scott is hunting and Mark is painting Todd Jr.'s new house. I still have little things to do at the trailer, like fix my chair pads in the kitchen. I love the trailer. It's a place I can really relax and feel stress free. The minute I drive through the gates of the park, I can feel the stress go out of my body. Wish I could spend more time there.

Next week I will see Dr. Akhtar on Monday and find out my lambha light chain count. I hope I have another big decrease. That would be wonderful. All other lab tests have come out good this week. Next round of chemo starts up again on Tuesday with Decadron on Monday. I plan to get the H1N1 shot on Monday. Wow that is so scary when your immune system is soooo low. I'm so afraid of getting sick.

Erin will go to the doctor on the 27th. She is doing great. On November 17th we find out the sex of the baby. I'm excited but don't really care. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter as long as Erin and the baby are fine. I want a healthy grand child. Erin has more energy and is feeling better. I told her to enjoy the next 3 months and then its down hill again. Can't wait to see her big belly and my little grand baby moving inside her. That will be a moment to cherish!

Oh, I haven't said but my hair is coming back. It's so curly and thick. Wow the doctors were right when they said it would come back different than before. I can't wait to style it. My friend Laurie is so excited to start cutting it into some kind of style. We will just have to wait and see what my hair decides to do.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy every moment!


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