Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tests and More Tests

My poor body has had enough! Yesterday I had the dreaded bone morrow biopsy. I was so nervous and asked Dr. Akthar if he would give me something stronger. The nurse came in with a shot of Demerol. That's all I needed. It still hurt and I had a few rough moments but I did it.

Today I had my heart biopsy at Santa Clara Heart Transplant Center. It went pretty good but I will never get use to it. So now I wait until tomorrow for the phone call to hear the news - rejection or no evidence of rejection. I'm hoping for a no evidence of rejection which will be my 3rd month in a row. That will be awesome especially before the stem cell transplant. Until then I wait!

After my appointment at the heart transplant center Mark and I went to Stanford to meet with Dr. Schrier and get blood drawn for the bone marrow transplant team. Dr. Schrier thought it was time for the stem cell transplant because my numbers are just staying at a stable level and he felt the Decadron and Velcade were not successful. I will take my last Decadron and Velcade this week before starting the stem cell transplant in two weeks. I wish I could start tomorrow. I'm ready!!

Mom and I went to the wig shop on Friday and I bought a beautiful wig. It is so cute! I tried it on for Mark tonight and he really liked it. I bought a few little cotton caps to wear in the hospital. I don't want to wear the wig in a hospital bed, so these are perfect! Terri Nappi will be coming down to Stanford on the 28th of May to cut and buzz my hair before it all falls out. I don't want that to happen. Linda Ford will also come with Terri. I will need all the moral support I can get!!!

Tomorrow I will stay close to home because I have to do a 24 urine test collection. Thursday it is blood draw day for both chemo and the stem cell transplant. I have no idea how many vials of blood they will take but for the heart transplant it was close to 40. Friday will be my last day of chemo!

Mawell finally got home on Sunday night late from Innisfil, Canada. He left Innisfil on Thursday and got stuck in Cheyenne, Wyoming for two days. Finally on Sunday the weather cooperated and he was able to get home late that night. It was so great to see him and have him home. He will try out for different teams this summer and decide where he wants to play. For now I'm enjoying every moment!!!

Wednesday, April 22nd continue posting:
I plan to bring my lap top to the hospital and continue writing on my blog.
Stanford said I can use my cell phone and lap top while I'm in the hospital. They said to bring movies, books/magazines, crocheting anything that will keep me busy. I will continue with my lessons in Italian on the Rosetta Stone tapes. I just wish I had someone to talk to that would help me to get over the hump in my lessons. I know alot of verbs and phases but if you don't use it, you lose it! I think I should go to Italy for six months and study there! I think I deserve it after all I have gone through! HA HA

My Sharks won last night and hopefully will continue to win. I fell asleep during the 3rd period so I didn't get to see the whole game but they won!

Sorry for the long posting but I have lots to say! Just got my call from the heart transplant center. Today is the day they call for biopsy results. I got another NER (NO EVIDENCE OF REJECTION). Third month in a row. I have the perfect heart just like Dr. Dana said the night she called me to say a heart was here. Jazmin was perfect and her heart certainly is. She has helped me through all I have gone through so far and will be fighting with me through the stem cell transplant. God Bless Her! My lab work is perfect and no change in medication.

What a beautiful day! Not to hot and not to cold. I'm home resting from all the biopsies these past two days and doing the 24 hour urine test. I need the rest. I'm tired of people poking and cutting into me. Enough is enough until tomorrow - blood draw. But today was my last day on the drug Decadron. My stem cell transplant will be successful and I won't have to take this nasty drug anymore.

Enjoy this wonderful day and all it brings to you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok sissy,
You spoke and once again I listened. I contacted 2 female girls from Italy and both had excepted me. I gave them your email and your blog so we can take it from here and there.

I love you