Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Yesterday I went to the Amyloidosis Support Meeting in Walnut Creek. Mom came with me and she really enjoyed meeting everyone. Kevin, Barbie and their girls were there and I finally got to meet Catalin and Rebecca. Of course, I told them how much their dad meant to me and how much he has helped me through this process. Dr. Kevin looks wonderful and is recovery each day from the stem cell transplant. I just can't believe how healthy he really looks. He still says he experiences fatigue but most side effects are minimal and he is on his way to a "new normal life". He hopes to be back at work in a few months and will be training for the big bike ride in October.
The guest speaker was a lady from the "Caregiver's Alliance". All the care givers met and discussed caregiving together. Mom said it was nice to be able to talk to others about caregiving.
Today will be a quiet day. Matthew and Danny came up from Los Angeles and Mark and Erin will be here this afternoon. I made a big pot of spaghetti sauce and meatballs. That's going to be our Easter dinner. Maxwell will be driving home from Canada starting Thursday. I'm so nervous about him driving so far but what can I do. The boys think I'm being silly to worry about him. They say "he's 18, Mom". They don't understand how Moms feel.
Have a wonderful Easter Sunday!


Anonymous said...

Happy easter to you Sissy,

Just want to say hello, started and finished my externship at the hospital Friday, it was a blast I go tomorrow to apply for a job wish me luck.

Give me one of those wonderful wishes you have.

I love you and I'll talk at you later.
Love me
your baby sis

Anonymous said...

Hi Cuz,
Hope your Easter was enjoyable with all your boys at home to share it with you. I missed your call but wanted to check in with you. Hope your haveing a good day.
Love you,