Saturday, February 16, 2013

Yesterday and Tomorrow

Are these words true!
The last few months have been extremely hard.  I have been sick every week with either the flu, a cold or a cough.  So I made a decision to cancel my trip to Las Vegas next weekend.  I'm sad but it's the right thing to do at this time.  I don't want to go and get sick.  I'm so scared because every time I have gotten sick it comes on quick.  So I plan to spend a relaxing weekend at home.
This week I took Velcade and Dex on Tuesday.  I started the monthly course of Cytoxan yesterday and will continue for the next 5 days.  I'm still at 300 mg but the increase from 250 to 300 was definitely a change.  Dr. Schrier wants to push it up again to 350 mg.  I will be taking my labs on Monday to see where my numbers are and he will decide then.  I hope and pray they have come down or at least stayed the same.  I'm so scared to go up on the Cytoxan to 350.  I know it will kick my butt.  I just want to feel better.  I just have not felt good in months.
I'm really looking forward to going to Tahoe next month with my family.  The Kent house is beautiful.  I hope I can do this every year.  The moments are so special.
Have a wonderful weekend!  Follow your dreams!

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