Monday, November 26, 2012

Time in the Hospital

I have been in the hospital since Friday.  I was in so much pain and finally went to see the doctor.  She took xrays and said I have pneumonia.  The pain has been so bad my oxygen level is down in the 80's.  I hope I will be going home today.  I have to do xrays this morning and hopefully it shows I'm improving.  They did a CT scan on Saturday night because they thought I had a blood clot.  Everything was negative.  They also did the blood test for enzymes to see if I had a heart attack.  That was negative and my EKG was perfect.  So the heart is ruled out and all they can say is I have a bad case of pneumonia.  My job these days is to take care of this body and that will be my goal for the next few weeks.

Thank you to all who have sent me prayers and special thoughts. Thank you to my husband, sister Mary and Nancie my neighbor.  They have done so many things to help me while I have been here.  Nancie is an RN and she really made sure I was comfortable.  She even stay all day Saturday until the doctor came in and asked the important questions.  I appreciated that so much.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  It was my birthday and we spent it at Joey and Rachel's house.  They did a beautiful dinner and every moment was the best!  I am so thankful to have such a loving family!

I will keep you informed when I will be getting out of the hospital.

Enjoy every moment!

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