Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tests Tests and More Tests

I'm so tired of being poked at for the last two weeks.  I had my annual heart biopsy last Tuesday.  No evidence of rejection.  I met with Dr. Dana and sat down with her to talk over some things that have been bothering me.  I asked her about my survival with a transplanted heart.  She said my heart is very healthy and strong.  She doesn't worry about the heart.  Also, I am living and surviving with a rare fatal disease that my numbers are going down (61) and she is not worried about that either.  What she is worried about is the effects of Decadron on my bones.  She said sooner than later the bones will start breaking and she said I really have to do more weight bearing exercises.  I told her easy to say when out of 7 days only 2 days I feel good.  The reaction I get from the Decadron is getting worst where I sometimes can't even get out of bed.  My family doctor is conducting some muscle lab tests on Friday when I am in the middle of the reaction.  She also said to take Benadryl for the reaction and maybe that will help.  I'm trying everything.  I hate feeling sick, tired and sore every week.  The goal is to get my numbers to normal range 5-26 and maybe Stanford will let me have at least a one week break.  I need it!

Spent last weekend in Chico visiting Danny and Diane Long.  Mark and I drove up on Thursday before everything hit me on Friday.  Friday I couldn't even get out of bed and slept most of the day.  Then Saturday a little better and by Sunday feeling good.  We just stayed at their house eating, drinking (them not me) and talking to the late hours.  They are coming to stay with us on the 19th.  So excited they haven't seen our new home and I'm happy to see them again.

This weekend its to the lake.  We haven't been there for 3 weeks.  Just been so busy.  I'm so excited to rest and relax.  Things have been so stressed around here.

My beautiful loving Auntie Mary Joan is not doing well.  Please say prayers for her.  I just don't want her to suffer.  I love her so much and this is so very hard on my Mom.

Wow does this say it all!



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