Friday, October 24, 2008

Heart Biopsy for Amyloidosis

Jackie just called from Kaiser Santa Clara Heart Transplant Center and gave me the great news!

No Amyloid in my new heart!!! Because of the 2R rejection in which Dr. Kevin Anderson and I both had, Kaiser decided to test the new hearts for Amyloidosis now instead of December. We both are negative.

I have written about Dr. Kevin many times throughout this blog and recently linked his blog site with mine (see on the right side bottom for the link). He also has Amyloidosis and is currently being treated by Stanford on chemo. The chemo treatment has made him very sick and fatigue. Also, because of the 2R rejection for two weeks in a row, they are now saying that one of the chemo drugs might be the source of rejection. So, Stanford has suspended the one chemo drug for now until heart biopsy are clear again. Kevin is as he calls it "trailblazing" for me. He is going through all the treatments before me. What is so positive is that he is a doctor and can ask questions and get real answers. I am so lucky to have him in my life at this time. Please look at his blog site from time to time because he writes beautifully and explains the disease clearly for you to understand.

Mom and I went grocery shopping this morning. I get up so early (5:00AM) each day, that today I going to take a nap (little tired). Saturday Mark, Markie and Erin are coming for a visit. I haven't seen them for two weeks. I'm making my spaghetti and meatball dinner for them. It will be fun!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this moment in time.



Mary Ann said...


You see you have so many angels looking after you sissy. Keep going your on your way!
I love you lots and lots!
Mary Ann

Tamara said...

That is just incredible news !!!!!!
Send Kevin my thoughts and prayers. Tell him to have a wonderful day with his daughter, his family , and his new son.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis,
Well one thing about you I have always seen and knew you are a fighter and nothing brings you down or will everr take you down. That is why you are my mentor you make me look up to know that little bumps are little bumps.
Oh and I will bug you, Write that Letter....
Love you
Me (Kathie)

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Melissa did tell us that you had received your new heart. We are so happy for you and your family. Thank you for the sweet card...and for putting so much energy in your blog. I know everyone is thankful to have that and know how you are doing. My mom and aunt send their best wishes and we continue to pray for your speedy recovery.

Please keep in touch.

With love,
Marie Petrini and family

Tamara said...

Good Morning Sunshine,
Talk to you soon.
Auntie Bev is trying to find your website. I gave it to her over the phone yesterday and by e-mail today. I'm sure she'll find you today.

Talk to you soon,