I was released from Stanford Hospital on Thursday October 2nd. My doctors have been so amazed as to how well and fast I have recovered. I kept telling them it was the doctors and nurses at Stanford Medical Center who treated me. They were all wonderful, Christine, Dr. Toby, Dr. Oyer, Iris, Kate, Melissa, Noel (aka) Joel, and all the ones from Kaiser Hospital.
Mom, Auntie Mary Joan and her friend Don came to the hospital to pick me up on Thursday. It took forever, of course but we had to go to Kaiser in Santa Clara clinic to be checked out. I took more lab tests and picked up my very expensive medicines (picture to come). We then left for the hotel where Mom and I will live for the next 30 days, close to the hospital. Auntie and Mom went grocery shopping and we cooked dinner and went to bed EXHAUSTED but VERY GRATEFUL!!!
The next day, Friday was a busy day and more tests. I had a echo, EKG and chest x rays. The echo showed a little fluid on the heart but Sue was not concerned. She wanted me to add Lastix to my pills on Saturday and watch the weight. I have lost twelve pounds since this started but I can tell you Mom will fatten me up quick. I get to have all of her special home cooked meals such as frittata (which she is making right now). My sissy Kathy came down today and is staying with us till Monday. She is also a great cook and such a big help. She removed all my acrylic nails (doctors do not want those on cause they can get fungus). She is treating me so special and I am taking it all in. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family and all my friends.
At this time, let me say a special thanks to all of you who have sent cards, flowers, telephone calls and of course your prayers and love during this time. Thanks to my special friends at home in the neighbor who have kept Mark feed and watch over the house. Thanks to Scott and Linda Ford for your strength you give me each day. I could not have done this without each and every one of you.
Yesterday Mark, Markie and Erin came down and visited with us. We had a wonderful time and I am waiting for them to return this morning. Markie fixed my lap top and brought me things to help speed up the internet. Mark noticed Mom and I did not have a DVD player in the room and went and brought one. Mom brought a lot of her old DVD movies to watch.
The rule while staying in the hotel these next 30 days is that I stay inside. If I have to go out I must wear a protective mask from the outside air. I cannot be around anyone who is sick or who has been in contact with someone sick. My immuno system is being brought down to nothing so that my body does not reject the new heart. It is very cruical I don't get sick. When friends and family come to visit they have to "gel up and gel out" before coming in to see me. I do ask that everyone let me know when they would like to visit because I still need naps during the day.
Today is Sunday and the sun is shining! What a beautiful day! I can't wait to see Mark, Markie and Erin. Gary and Debbie Looney and Doug and Susan Provencher are coming this afternoon upon arriving from Los Angeles. They were at the Breast Cancer Walk in Long Beach for my dearest friend, Kathy Conley. I was disappointed I couldn't be there but Kathy said they listed my name on their back and walked for me too. Last year I walked the whole 6 miles with no stress and next year I will be running the 6 miles Ha Ha! They had a wonderful time and I miss them all.
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