Monday, October 20, 2008

Good Morning Monday

Another weekend passed here at the hotel. My sister Mary Ann came to visit. I haven't seen her since before I went into the hospital. She made a wonderful dinner Saturday night - chicken picata, roasted potatoes, green beans and a green salad. We had a short visit but it was wonderful. Matt and Mark drove up from Los Angeles and of course the boys made it just in time for dinner. They ate and visited for a short time and left. Matt took me for a long walk and kept saying how fast I was walking. He made a funny remark that I looked like a lost puppy who wanted to go for a walk. I did! I felt good seeing him because Matt left the hospital after my surgery because he didn't want to see me with all the tubes and such. So it's been three weeks since I have seen him. It was so nice!

Nana and I spent Sunday afternoon doing laundry, watching movies, resting and napping. It was a quiet day. Today I want to go to Wal Mart and Target. I just finished redecorating Max's room and need curtains and two end tables for lamps. It looks so pretty. Can't wait to go home and see it finished and enjoy the room.

This is the start of our 3rd week here at the hotel. I'm hoping they will release me to go home on the 4th of November. As long as my heart biopsy come out ok, I think that will be the day. Keep praying for good test results. At this time, I'm not ready to be away from the hospital but by then I feel things will be under control as for my drugs etc and I will be fine to go home.

Tomorrow is big day for tests. Right heart cath will be done again to be sure no damage caused to my beautiful new heart after last week's rejection. 3rd heart biopsy to determine rejection this week, lab work and chest x rays. It should not be a long day so I will be able to go back to the hotel and rest alittle. I will let everyone know the results on Wednesday. Keep those prayers coming!

I appreciate all the comments everyone has left on my blogsite. It's fun reading them. If you don't know how to do it - just click on the "comments" and it will take you to the area to type in your comments. You don't have to register, just sign in as "anonymous" and click post comment.
I hope everyone is enjoying the blog site it is the best way for me to communicate what is happening with tests results, doctor appointments and my daily routine. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful day and enjoy this moment in time!



Maria said...

Hi Cousin,
Your up early. I thought alot about you this weekend, and wished I could come see you, but I'm glad you had family close by to keep you company. It sounds like a very relaxing weekend. My prayers are with you this weekend for better results. I'll be keeping my eye on the site to stay up-to-date on the news. You take care. Love you,
Cousin Maria

Mary Ann said...

Good morning Sissy,
I had a wonderful time visiting with you and Mom. You look so wonderful and beautiful as always. I can't wait until you come home so I can take care of you too!! I know everything will be just fine this week you keep your chin up. Your little place is cute but you will feel a lot better when you come home. I love you and miss you again already!
Mary Ann

PS Next meal I make is Pot Roast so call Matty!!!!

mary said...

Hi Debbie:
I've been waiting for you to write something all week-end. I was going to call but you said you wanted to have a quiet and relaxing weekend so I didn't want to bother you. I'm happy you had a nice couple of days with your family. Give your mom my love and good luck tomorrow with all your tests. Our prayers are with you. Love You take care and know you are always in my thoughts.

Lots of Love and Hugs,

Auntie Mary Joan

Kathy Jimenez said...

It was so good to talk to you today. It was emotional for the both of us, I know you understand. Please know that you have a "Special Angel" watching over you....the one with the sweet shy smile, my Mikey. He loved you and your family and enjoyed the many good times with all of you.

Kathy Jimenez

Tamara said...

Hi Debbie,
Good to see your note this morning. Tried to find your website yesterday at work for a co-worker, but couldn't find it there. My co-worker needs a kidney transplant she's been gone from work for almost a year. I couldn't not believe it when I saw her yesterday it has been so long.
She needed a pick me up and I thought of you and your site and how it would help her out. She looked great though. So I'll call her and give her the exact address.
I looked all week-end for your note. Glad you had a good time with the family.
We all can't wait til you come home. The boys ask about you a lot. I still need your address so Anthony can send his Get Well card to you that he made in class while the rest of the class was making cards for his Dad.
I have good feelings that your Guardian Angel has already taken care of things for you today, I really do.
So for smooth sailing after that salty meal last night.


Anonymous said...


Congratulations, Debbie!

We knew that our prayers combined with your indomitable spirit would win the day!

God Bless,

Sarah S.