Thursday, October 9, 2008

Well here it is the famous "MASK". I have to wear this mask whenever I am outside in the fresh air, hospital or large crowds. This mask protects me from germs and a certain virus that is in the air for the next 30-60 days. Isn't is lovely?


Tamara said...

Well that's a fashion statement. Good thing it is only a 30-60 day trend.Oh, good thing you met all of your wonderful new friends before your new fashion statement. Just kidding!!! That little thing is a life saver.
I've just had a few minutes to finally sit and read your blog tonight for the very first time. As you know my life isn't as calm either. All I can do is cry with each new blog I read from you.
You are absolutely amazing.
Thanks, praise and prayers to your donor,his family, and all the donors and their families out there- past,present and the future.
The overwhelmingness I feel for you as a family member is so intense.
This is the first time that I know and love someone close to me to be a recipient.
It brings a flood of emotions remembering all of those I have taken care of who have been the donors.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful addition to the wardrobe although it is femininely pink its not your usual red obsession, I think we need to have a talk with your doctor haha. I hope all is well and I would love to see you when you get home. Please keep in touch, my email is
and my cell is 707-486-8250

I hope everything works out without a hitch ;) talk to you soon!
