The last four months I have been experiencing pain in my chest lung area. This time it happen last week and it is really painful. Of course, the first thing I think of is my beautiful heart. Am I having a heart attack or is the heart rejecting? What is it?
My tenant and to be honest new friend is a nurse. Nancie and I were talking about how each month since November I have had this pain. She is so in tune with my health issues and I thank God she is so close. The pain according to the specialist Dr. Shaprio is plurecy or inflammation of the lining of the lung. Nancie kept saying "you keep getting it right after finishing the course of Cytoxan". So this time she was right. I finished Cytoxan on Tuesday and by Thursday I am in so much pain. Mom and I spent 5 hours at Kaiser on Friday doing lab work, x rays and seeing doctors. I told the doctor what Nancie had said, "is this a side effect of Cytoxan". She did not know but called Dr. Sharpiro and together they review the side effects of Cytoxan and found that 1%, yes one percent, of patients experience plurecy pain after taking Cytoxan. Guess who the 1% is? ME! I think what happen is when Dr. Schrier increased my Cytoxan dosage from 250 to 300 or the chemo is building up in my body. So I'm on antibiotics and another steroid until I start Dexadron tomorrow. I have to talked to Dr. Schrier about what has been happening and how we can change it.
After all that, I got lamha light chain count and it is at 48. That is incredible! I have to get to 26 which is the normal range. I'm hoping Dr. Schrier will be happy about the 48 and think about cutting back on my treatment. He was even thinking about increasing the dosage again to 350. With this new development I don't want to do this. We will see.
Next month is my six month checkup with heart transplant. Good news is that I don't have to have a heart biopsy. The heart biopsy will only be once a year on anniversary date.
I had to cancel my Vegas trip which to be honest I was so happy. If I would have gone this past weekend I would have been is so much pain. Not much fun. Next month we have the trip to Lake Tahoe with my family. I'm so excited. Little Markie talks about going to the snow all the time. It will be so much fun!
Please pray for Kourtney and Brenden's little babies. Kourtney is 29 weeks along and she is in UCSF now. They will not let her go home because the baby boy is showing signs of stress. I'm so glad because she is in the right place. She will most likely stay until the babies are born. The little girl is doing good but they are tiny. Please say prayers!
So true! Every moment is a gift!
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