On Monday, April 2nd, Mark and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. Scott and Linda Ford came over last night to watch the Sharks beat Dallas and brought us this beautiful cake. That was so sweet! Can't believe how fast 35 years has gone by. Mark and I are so blessed. We have a beautiful family, grandchildren and many wonderful friends. We don't need alot of money because we feel richer than others to have these blessings. Happy Easter to all. We are having Easter dinner at Erin's Mom and Jeff's house. Little Markie will get to have an easter egg hunt and this year I'm sure he will know exactly what's in those little plastic eggs. He will be 2 years old on Friday, April 6th. We will celebrate a family birthday party on Friday and then he will have his big party with his little friends on April 14th. I have been watching both Markie and Hailey on Mondays. Nonnie aka Nana Salvato comes over to visit and help. Then on Thursday I decided to watch Hailey only. It has given me the time to bond with her. Markie is so jealous and wants Nana only on Monday, so its hard to bond with Hailey. I am really enjoying my time with them. Can't wait for the summer months where I can bring Little Markie to the lake with me and Papa. There are so many little kids there in the summer he will have so much fun.
Stop and enjoy every moment because every moment is a gift!
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