featuring "Oklahoma!"
What a fun weekend! Last weekend Mom and I drove to Fresno to visit Auntie Babe and my cousin Nick. Auntie Babe is my god mother. Sadly my Uncle Nick passed away a few years ago and she has not seen me since my heart transplant.
As a young girl I spent my summers in Fresno with my Mom's parents. My grandparents lived in a great neighborhood and each year me and my brother and sisters would get on the greyhound bus and visit them. I have wonderful memories of my summers in Fresno.
Uncle Nick and Auntie Babe owed the best restaurant in Fresno, called Nicola's. It was famous for its stuffed steak. I only ordered the cheesecake. Chocolate chip cheesecake to be exact. When I passed my real estate broker's test, my aunt and uncle brought me a whole chocolate chip cheesecake to celebrate. I ate so much of it - it was HEAVEN!!
All weekend we talked until at least one or two in the morning about old times. Auntie Babe was so happy to have us there. Her birthday was Sunday and we got to celebrate with her.
On Saturday night she took us to Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater to see the play "Oklahoma!" What a great show. The pre show was the junior company. It consisted of kids from as young as 6 years old up. I never laughed so hard watching these kids sing and dance to their heart's content. It was a wonderful moment. After their performance was the main show "Oklahoma!". Wow these performers were great! I just could not believe that I was sitting in Fresno watching this wonderful performance. Most of them volunteer to perform and are paid nothing. That did not matter they gave a great performance. That night was filled with moments that took my breath away!! Can't wait to visit Auntie again.
Baby Update: Erin is doing great and baby Markie is getting BIG!!! Only 2 and half weeks till due date (April 12th). I can not wait to see my grandson's little face, kiss his little cheeks and just sit and hold him forever. I dream about all the wonderful things we will share with him. I plan to make every moment with him a moment that takes my breath away!!
Friday Mark and I are going to spend with Matthew. He moved into a new home and Mark is going to paint the living room and Matt's bedroom. As we have done each time he moves, we hang all his pictures and help decorate. I'm happy to spend time with him and glad he moved back to Northern California. He is doing great!
After Mark is done painting on Saturday we are driving to the trailer to spend the rest of the weekend there. Mark finished all the projects last weekend and I am excited to see it all finished. He is so tired of working on the trailer for the past month and just wants to go there and enjoy it. That's exactly what we are going to do. Enjoy it!!
I found a book given to me by Erin's Mom about 50 things that really matter. A quote read "Happiness doesn't lie in the objects we gather around us. It lies within us. To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes". Open your eyes and enjoy the moment!
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