I have been so busy. Well I guess you can call it busy. I went to the lake on Thursday for two days. I met Marion and Terri there. I had a great time! Thursday night they made a wonderful dinner for me. Mia and I played all day and night. She loves the lake and the little trailer. The weather was a little cold. I even had to put my electric blanket on my bed at night. The days were windy and warm. I left on Saturday to go home. Erin's birthday is today! Happy Birthday Erin! Markie gave her a birthday party on Saturday night. It was so fun seeing all the kids and Martie and Jeff (Erin's parents) were there too! Lots of fun.
Sunday was a relaxing day. Mark went to Potter Valley to visit his Mom. She is very ill. Please say extra prayers for Mom Douglas. I stayed home to catch up on some things. Later that day, our neighbors, Steve and Jane, Jeff and Christine and Pam all came over for dinner. I made a spiral ham, my homemade scalloped potatos, roasted vegetables. Sooooo good! Jane made Mom's fruit salad. Yum! We sat around and just talked and listened to music. So relaxing! These are moments that mean alot to me. I want lots more!!!
Today I did some work and things around the house. I'm planning the fundraiser and organizing the details. It is going to be so fun and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. Thank you to all who have donated so far. We are currently at $1,150.00. Our goal is around $3000 - $3500. This will purchase and install the headstone for Jamae and Jazmin. The day it is installed will be a moment to cherish in my life! I know Jazmin will be smiling down on us! Thank you! The information for the fundraiser is at the top but please send checks to the bank:
Jazmin I Mitchell Memorial Fund c/o Exchange Bank, 2201 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, Ca 95403.
Make moments that take your breath away each and every day! It's not the quantity of life but the quality. Make it a special one!
Hi Sissy,
That is so beautiful. I can't wait.
It was so nice to see you on Friday. And Mia oh my god she is so cute. I love her. Ed and I enjoyed visiting with you. Now you have to show Douglas our Great Mexican Rest, Well you look great and I will see you on Saturday after next.
I love you
It's great to see that you are doing well.
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