I had a wonderful 3 days at the lake. This is what life is all about! Enjoying each and every moment.
I got to the lake on Friday at noon. Cindy Keyes was there and we spent the next 7 hours sitting on the lawn area talking, eating, drinking (no alcohol) and reading. The weather was perfect! That evening Bob fixed us a wonderful dinner and I went to bed early. I now have a TV in my little bedroom so each night I would get in bed and watch the news before falling to sleep. In the morning I would wake up at 7:00AM, make my coffee and jump back in bed to watch TV and have my morning coffee until 9:00AM. It was so relaxing.
Saturday Bob and Cindy had to leave to go back home but Linda and Scott came up. I got a surprise because Linda brought her grand kids, Kennedy and Kiley to play at the lake. We had such a wonderful time. The girls are sooooo cute and sweet. Kiley kept looking at me funny with my cap on and finally asked where my hair went. I told her that I was sick and that the doctor gave me some medicine to make me feel better but it took my hair away. She then asked to touch the top of my head to feel the new hair growing. It was so cute and made me cry! We had another wonderful day playing with the girls (although I couldn't do much but watched) it was relaxing. That night we sat on their deck talking with friends until 11:00PM. Wow I was so surprised I stayed up that long. Scott walked me up to my trailer and I slept great that night.
Sunday morning I did the same sat in bed with my coffee watching the food network shows. I got up and made breakfast and started organizing things in the trailer. I haven't been there for over a year and there were things I wanted to clean up and organize. I love my little trailer so much. This was the first time I have been able to stay there by myself and enjoy the quiet time. I have a CD of the songs from "Dirty Dancing" and played that so loud while I cleaned. I like to sing and listen to my music. I left the lake around 2:30PM with sadness. Don't get me wrong I love my home but being there is like "heaven". Look at the pictures above and decide for yourself. Can't wait to go back up again!
Today I am going to rest because I have a very big day tomorrow. I called Charlene at the heart transplant center to look up my results of the light chain count. I will let everyone know my count once she calls back. This is very important to see the progression of my disease and whether or not the stem cell transplant stopped the progression. I'm confident it did but need confirmation. I also have a heart biopsy but feel good about that because my shared heart is doing just fine. The fatigue I feel is mostly from the stem cell transplant and is very common. I will continue resting and gaining strength. I'm hoping to start walking again too.
I will be posting the invitation to the fundraiser for my donor, Jazmin on August 29th. It will be a celebration of my recovery and my heartful gratitude to Jazmin. I'm hoping to raise enough money to purchase the headstone form Jazmin and her sister Jamae. Look for the invitation coming soon!
Have a wonderful day and make it a memorable one too.
Debbie, It is so great to see you out with a smile on your face. Being in nature is just what the doctor should be ordering. I just know that you are going to do well. I am also feeling better. The CMV infection seems to be resolving. We can't fail with so many people supporting us. The best is yet to come.
With Love
Hi Sissy,
Oh my gosh you look so good. I sure miss you. Next time you are up here please call me ok I wanna come see you. I am off now long story, but we will not go there right now, dam economy is all I will say and being the low person on totum pole.
Well that is ok no hard feelings.
So yes let me know when you are up again and I will come see you.
Yes the weather has been great here very warm I heard the 100 this weekend but we are going camping so we will be in the mountians.
I love you and say hello to everyone for me.
Oh one thing, ed's cousin son is going for his stem cell transplant this week, so keep a good thought please, ask Tippi she knows Patty.
I love you
ohhhhh yes i know patti and michael and april his sis very well!!!!
Patti told me u were in benicia this weekend kathi sure wished i would have met ya..
Deb take me with you!!!!!!!!!!
i can do the grass! by the pics!!
dont think i can get to the beach w/o scott but i dont have to swim!!!
That looks nice!!!!!!
Take me away!! hehehe
miss u and love you
glad to see u post kevin and r feeling better!!!!! That makes me feel more relaxed!!!
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