Markie cleaning out my utility drawer
Yesterday was a sad but also a happy one too! As for the sad part. My Aunt Jeannie passed away on March 11th. What a strong and brave lady. Sitting at the memorial service yesterday brought back so many memories of my childhood. Coming to Sonoma to visit auntie jeannie and uncle jake and my cousins was so much fun. They lived in the country and had all the fun things to do like riding horses and riding motorcycles. We always looked forward to our visit with them. Auntie would make these wonderful dinners and the adults would play cards all night long. The kids would stay outside as long as possible playing. Happy memories of my childhood. I wish auntie jeannie peace and as Sister Diane said, I look forward some day (a long time from now) to visit her again in her new "home".
Now for the best news ever! I finally after so many months got my lambha light chain count down to "75"! That is the lowest ever and I'm so happy. I also had a heart biopsy last week and I had just a mild rejection but the other good news is that there is "no traces of amyloid in my new shared heart". That is the best news ever! I have to protect my new heart and that's why I will continue to take chemo and do what the doctors say. I am so blessed!
I spent the weekend at the lake and had a very relaxing time. I just love my little place. The lake is so full. Its almost over the stone wall and on to the grass area. We should have a wonderful summer with the lake at full. I'm looking forward to summer. The rain is good but I'm so tired of it.
I brought a almost new 2006 red convertible bug. I had a bug in 2000 and love it. So in keeping with our commitment to change our lives and live simply, I decided I don't need to impress anyone with a fancy car and decided to buy a Volkswagen bug. It will be fun having a convertible again but I will have to be very careful in the sun. Most of the drugs I take cause skin cancer and of course so does the sun. So going topless will have to be kept to a minimum. I don't know what it is about these cars but it makes me smile. If you look closely the front of the car is smiling!
I have been watching Little Markie every Monday. I'm so happy to have this special time with him. He is just now starting to walk and will be 1 year old on April 6th. Wow has time passed so fast. Mark and Erin are having a big birthday party for him and it will be a special day.
Maxwell is finishing up what we call a "very rough hockey season". He was traded 3 times and currently is playing in Chicago for the NAHL Chicago Hitmen. We don't know if he will return to the team or have to try out some where else. It is his decision and we will support him. This time off he has to continue training which also means I have to feed him lots. He has to gain weight while he is at home. It will be my pleasure to fatten up my little guy (all 6'3" of him).
The next month of so Mark and I plan to enjoy our little house on Clear Lake. This pass weekend when we went was the first time in 6 weeks. I don't want to wait that long anymore especially with this terrible weather. We installed new windows last year and had a problem with one window leaking. Mark caulked the outside before we left the last time we were there but who knows if it worked. So Saturday when we arrived the first time we did was check for leaks. No leaks! The weekend when it snowed up there and it was a very heavy wet snow it caused alot of damage including trees down. The big redwood tree in front of our trailer is now balded. It lost about 23 branches. We have a better view of the lake but lost some of our shade too. Thank God no branches hit our trailer. So Mark and I will leave again this weekend and spend time there. The big storm this weekend knocked out the power to most of the trailer park except our area. I don't understand how people close up their trailers at the end of the summer and don't come back until the next summer. It is an investment and I want it to be maintained. To be honest I love it up there in the winter more than the summer. There is no one there and we have the park to ourselves. I can walk Mia around and not worry about someone complaining. We take long walks to the lake and sit and watch the ducks. It's my heaven on earth!
Enjoy the pictures and remember "Nothing is worth more than this day!"