Slept ok last night except being woken up every two hours for vitals. My Hematocrit level was 33, so no blood transfusions last night. White blood cell count is down to 4.3 and platlets down to 233. Nurses will take blood draws again tonight to see where my counts are today.
Yesterday I had a big surprise! My brother Joey came down and stayed with me all day. We had a great visit. Rachel was having her bridal shower so he thought he would come visit me. It was a special moment. I felt bad falling asleep during our visit but he understood. I love my little brother.
Today Mark, Mom, Maxwell and Markie came to visit. It was so good to see them. I haven't seen them since Tuesday. Maxwell teased about wearing the doctors scrubs and said he would never make it as a doctor. Markie helped me set up Nexflix so I can download and order movies while I'm here in the hospital. I watched "Made in Honor" this afternoon. Cute movie. I loved the background scenes in Scotland. Another place I need to put on my list of places to go.
Tonight I am going to watch the 2nd game of the Stanley Cup finals between the Pittsburgh Penguins and Detroit Red Wings. Pittsburgh lost last night and hopefully can come back tonight. I hope my blood work comes back fine so I can get some rest tonight.
Tomorrow night is my favorite program "The Bachelorette". I missed the show last week because I went to dinner. So I'm excited to see which bachelors are still on the show.
Thank you to everyone who have made comments on the blog. I appreciate your love and support.
Have a wonderful evening! Wish I was with you!
LIFE! Find a passion and pursue it. Fall in love. Dream big. Laugh everyday. Believe in magic. Learn more. Be creative. Love with all your heart. Never give up. Do what you love. Be true to who you are. Smile often. Be grateful. Follow your dreams. Be happy. Live for today. AND ABOVE ALL... MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT. Love, Debbie
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Transplant Day
Yesterday was Transplant Day and to be honest was a little rough on me. I didn't have a very good night the night before. I was sick to my stomach all night and then as the transplant began I started getting sick again. So through the whole procedure until they were able to give me nausea medicine I was really sick. The rest of the day I slept and tried to get as much rest as possible.
Mom, Gary and Debbie came to visit in the afternoon. We had a quiet visit because I kept dozing off to sleep. It was so hard to have Mom leave me. I wish she could stay with me. It gets so lonely here by myself.
In the middle of the night around one, the nurse came in and woke me up to tell me my hematocrit had fallen to below 28 and they were going to give me blood infusions. My blood pressure was dropping also down to 85/60, which is very low for me. Ok by now I'm scared. They started the blood infusions and were here in my room all night long taking vitals and talking to me.
This morning I am tired and weak. I don't have much of an appetite for food but I am forcing myself to eat something. It's even getting hard to take my medicines. I plan to rest all day today and catch up on my sleep. Mark, Mom and Maxwell will be visiting tomorrow so I want to be rested. I can't wait to see them. I miss everyone so much.
Funny thing happened yesterday too. One of the nurses came in and said "Happy Birthday". I said it wasn't my birthday but she said yes it is. You have just begun a new life with the stem cell transplant. Your body is starting over from birth. So I thought ok I really have 3 birthdays now - November 22nd is birth date; September 26th heart transplant date and May 29th is stem cell transplant date. Wow I can really use this to my benefit!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Mom, Gary and Debbie came to visit in the afternoon. We had a quiet visit because I kept dozing off to sleep. It was so hard to have Mom leave me. I wish she could stay with me. It gets so lonely here by myself.
In the middle of the night around one, the nurse came in and woke me up to tell me my hematocrit had fallen to below 28 and they were going to give me blood infusions. My blood pressure was dropping also down to 85/60, which is very low for me. Ok by now I'm scared. They started the blood infusions and were here in my room all night long taking vitals and talking to me.
This morning I am tired and weak. I don't have much of an appetite for food but I am forcing myself to eat something. It's even getting hard to take my medicines. I plan to rest all day today and catch up on my sleep. Mark, Mom and Maxwell will be visiting tomorrow so I want to be rested. I can't wait to see them. I miss everyone so much.
Funny thing happened yesterday too. One of the nurses came in and said "Happy Birthday". I said it wasn't my birthday but she said yes it is. You have just begun a new life with the stem cell transplant. Your body is starting over from birth. So I thought ok I really have 3 birthdays now - November 22nd is birth date; September 26th heart transplant date and May 29th is stem cell transplant date. Wow I can really use this to my benefit!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Mohawk Was a Joke
The boys were teasing me to cut my hair into a mohawk and wear that until my hair fell out. Well I can't do that but Teri cut my hair and shape it into a mohawk so the boys could see what their Mom looked like with a mohawk. These pictures are what I look like now. It was emotional but its either "hair" or "life". I chose LIFE!
Today is the big day "Transplant Day" or Day 0. I don't know what time my transplant will take place but they say you are pretty out of it from the drugs they will be giving me for reactions to DSMO and nausea. I should sleep most of the day.
I'm glad this part is over and I can move on to begin recovery and my new normal life. I have to get through this next week and be on the road to recovery.
Have a wonderful day. Make moments that take your breath away.
Minus One Day to Transplant
Tomorrow is the big day transplant. Yesterday I spent the whole day resting. I felt great with lots of energy. Could be the Decadron they are giving me again which wires me up and that's why I'm writing at 4:00 in the morning. They gave me Decadron to help with nausea during chemo. I watched two movies, Under the Tuscan Sun and Return to Me. Both my favorite movies and they both were filmed in Italy which makes me so happy when I watch and see places I have been to. I finally got to take a shower and wash my hair for the last time before Teri buzzs it off today. It felt so good. I have been walking 20 minutes around the loop of the E1 unit. Very boring! I'm used to walking next to vineyards and parks. I hate staring at the walls and seeing other patients through the windows of their rooms. They are not allowed to come out due to their white cell count. I'll be there next week.
So today, Teri and Linda will be here around 2:00PM. I'm so excited to see them and of course cutting my hair. I want it over and done with, so I don't have to stress anymore about it. We are going to have some fun first. Check out my blog later this evening.
My friend Laura who just completed a stem cell transplant in Los Angeles told me a trick to use while they infuse the stem cells back into my body. The stem cells are preserve with a drug called DSMO. This drug has a very strong odor and it causes a bad taste in your mouth and breath. She said a nurse there told her to suck on suckers while being infused. So I texted Linda and told her to bring me some "suckers". She texts back "husbands or candy". I needed that, she is so funny!
Mom, Gary and Debbie will come to visit tomorrow. Gary and Debbie leave Sunday for Switzerland, so they won't see me for a few weeks. I have that on my list of places to go.
Enjoy the moments today.
So today, Teri and Linda will be here around 2:00PM. I'm so excited to see them and of course cutting my hair. I want it over and done with, so I don't have to stress anymore about it. We are going to have some fun first. Check out my blog later this evening.
My friend Laura who just completed a stem cell transplant in Los Angeles told me a trick to use while they infuse the stem cells back into my body. The stem cells are preserve with a drug called DSMO. This drug has a very strong odor and it causes a bad taste in your mouth and breath. She said a nurse there told her to suck on suckers while being infused. So I texted Linda and told her to bring me some "suckers". She texts back "husbands or candy". I needed that, she is so funny!
Mom, Gary and Debbie will come to visit tomorrow. Gary and Debbie leave Sunday for Switzerland, so they won't see me for a few weeks. I have that on my list of places to go.
Enjoy the moments today.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Stem Cell Transplant Begins
Yesterday was my first day beginning the stem cell transplant. I never quite understood how Dr. Kevin tracked the days during his stem cell transplant, until nurse Frances came in this morning and posted this calendar. It is a visual aid marking the days, blood count and platelet count. So today is -2 days to stem cell transplant date on Friday. Stem cell transplant day is consider day 0 (zero) and then we go up from there.
I received the first dose of chemo last night. I have not felt any side effects YET. The nurses assured me their coming. So by this weekend I should start to feel things happening. The chemo destroys my bone marrow and the infusion of those healthy stem cells taken out 2 weeks ago restores the bone marrow. I have to let my body do its job and so far through these moments it has done quite well. I also can't forget my beautiful shared heart, which has the most important job of keeping all my organs working. God bless you, Jazmin.
Today is the second day of chemo and that's it. It's so funny, if you want to look at it that way. The bag of chemo is so small but so lethal and powerful. Amazing! So for today I plan to do some walking outside my room because soon I will not be able to leave my room once my white blood cell count goes to zero. I will watch some movies (old favorites like Under the Tuscan Sun). I watched Sex in the City again last night for the 10th time. What a funny movie.
Tomorrow Teri Nappi and Linda Ford will come to buzz my hair off. I don't want to wait until it falls out because everyone says its really traumatic. So Teri will cut it as short as possible and I'll wait for the rest to fall out. I didn't bring my wig to the hospital because I figured I wouldn't be in any beauty pageants here but I brought 2 caps to wear. Mom is going to pick up some scarfs to wear also. I have to admit, and those friends and family who know me, know this is going to be tuff. Why do we put so much weigh on whether we have hair or not. There is no difference between being bald or wearing a mask, think about the person and what they are going through at this moment.
I really need your prayers now to come through this procedure with the least amount of side effects and complications. Please say a little prayer for me.
Enjoy the moment, I am. I'm grateful for this moment, because 8 months ago I might not have had this moment to share with you.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tomorrow is the Day
Should I say "D" day? Tomorrow I will be admitted to Stanford to begin the stem cell transplant. I remember the day I left to be admitted to Kaiser waiting for the heart transplant. It was such a joyous day. I had friends at the house all day visiting and sharing precious moments. I wasn't afraid but felt this glow inside my body. I knew I was going to be healthy and fine. That was September 21, 2008 and then on September 26, 2008, my new shared heart was beating inside me. My life changed forever that day!
First of all, I have great gratitude to my donor, Jazmin and her family. Evelyn, you are a special lady and a great support to me. You have opened your arms and heart to me. I feel your love each day. I love my little sisters, Jessika, Ashanti and Angelina so very much. Thank you for being here for me.
And now my gratitude goes out to all the doctors, nurses, social workers, coordinators with Kaiser and Stanford, who have helped me through this difficult process. I would not be here today without their skillful hands and minds.
My deepest love and gratitude to all of my family, friends, fellow heart transplant recipients and Amyloidosis support group friends for all the prayers and thoughts. I have a positive attitude because all of you would not have it any other way. When I feel down, you would pick me up and show me how precious life is. I have the inner strength because of each and every one of you.
Yesterday was one of those difficult days. I watched my youngest son's face sadden as he watch me cry. I knew then I had to get out of it and stop feeling sorry for myself but feel happiness that I have a choice. That I have options, where others don't. Today has been a great day. I went to breakfast (my favorite) with Gary and Debbie. Tonight they are taking me to the coast for dinner. We are leaving soon to see the sun set on the ocean. Maxwell even said this afternoon that I could have ran a marathon because I was in a better mood today.
Mark and I were going to stay at cousin Maria's tonight but her son Phillip got sick last night. I can't take the chance on getting sick so we had to cancel. I know she was very disappointed but she understood. She will come and visit with me in the hospital I'm sure.
So tomorrow I will call Unit E1 at Stanford early in the morning to see if they have a bed for me and then we will drive to Stanford. First thing I'm asking for is the lunch and dinner menu. I can't go without food. Tomorrow will be first day of chemo so who knows if I will be able to eat. We will have to wait and see.
Have a wonderful evening. Enjoy each and every moment.
First of all, I have great gratitude to my donor, Jazmin and her family. Evelyn, you are a special lady and a great support to me. You have opened your arms and heart to me. I feel your love each day. I love my little sisters, Jessika, Ashanti and Angelina so very much. Thank you for being here for me.
And now my gratitude goes out to all the doctors, nurses, social workers, coordinators with Kaiser and Stanford, who have helped me through this difficult process. I would not be here today without their skillful hands and minds.
My deepest love and gratitude to all of my family, friends, fellow heart transplant recipients and Amyloidosis support group friends for all the prayers and thoughts. I have a positive attitude because all of you would not have it any other way. When I feel down, you would pick me up and show me how precious life is. I have the inner strength because of each and every one of you.
Yesterday was one of those difficult days. I watched my youngest son's face sadden as he watch me cry. I knew then I had to get out of it and stop feeling sorry for myself but feel happiness that I have a choice. That I have options, where others don't. Today has been a great day. I went to breakfast (my favorite) with Gary and Debbie. Tonight they are taking me to the coast for dinner. We are leaving soon to see the sun set on the ocean. Maxwell even said this afternoon that I could have ran a marathon because I was in a better mood today.
Mark and I were going to stay at cousin Maria's tonight but her son Phillip got sick last night. I can't take the chance on getting sick so we had to cancel. I know she was very disappointed but she understood. She will come and visit with me in the hospital I'm sure.
So tomorrow I will call Unit E1 at Stanford early in the morning to see if they have a bed for me and then we will drive to Stanford. First thing I'm asking for is the lunch and dinner menu. I can't go without food. Tomorrow will be first day of chemo so who knows if I will be able to eat. We will have to wait and see.
Have a wonderful evening. Enjoy each and every moment.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Time is Coming
Two days and counting until I am admitted to Stanford for the stem cell transplant. I met with Dr. Areria on Friday for last minute lab work, chest x ray and consultation before the procedure. She was so happy how quickly I collected the necessary amount of stem cells and how my body reacted to the growth hormone drug Nuepogen. She said that once my stem cells are infused back into my body they will give me the drug Nuepogen which she feels will help to increase my white blood cell count faster. My white blood cell count during the 5 days I took the shot Nuepogen was at 8 the first day and 49 on day 5. I hope my white blood cell count increases that fast after transplant because I will begin to feel better faster. Zoe went over all the details of the transplant including side effects. Not that I didn't know the side effects and risks. I'm ready to go!
Tomorrow is Sunday and Mom and I have some shopping to do for Rachel's (brother Joey's finace) bridal shower next weekend. I won't be able to go and I want to get her gift before I leave. I'm hoping I will be home and able to attend the wedding on June 27th. If all goes well I will attend the ceremony but not the reception. I won't be able to take my mask off, eat or drink and it's not a good idea to be around so many people that soon after transplant. I want to see the ceremony and then I will go home. I don't have far to go because he is getting married at my friend Anita's backyard around the corner from my house. I can drive the golf cart over and back. Rachel is a wonderful person inside and out. She makes my brother happy. I haven't seen him so happy for a long time. I wish them much love and happiness as they begin their new lives together!
I will pack my suitcases tomorrow for the hospital and apartment. I need to pack for both places since I won't be going home after the transplant and straight to the apartment. I don't want Mark and Mom to worry about packing for me. Also, I hope I won't be at the apartment too long. Dr. Kevin was released to go home after only 6 days leaving the hospital. That's what I want.
I am waiting up for Maxwell to get home from visiting Shane and Ernie, his coaches, in Sacramento. I hate worrying about these boys. But that's a Mom's job!
Have a wonderful Sunday. Enjoy every moment!
Tomorrow is Sunday and Mom and I have some shopping to do for Rachel's (brother Joey's finace) bridal shower next weekend. I won't be able to go and I want to get her gift before I leave. I'm hoping I will be home and able to attend the wedding on June 27th. If all goes well I will attend the ceremony but not the reception. I won't be able to take my mask off, eat or drink and it's not a good idea to be around so many people that soon after transplant. I want to see the ceremony and then I will go home. I don't have far to go because he is getting married at my friend Anita's backyard around the corner from my house. I can drive the golf cart over and back. Rachel is a wonderful person inside and out. She makes my brother happy. I haven't seen him so happy for a long time. I wish them much love and happiness as they begin their new lives together!
I will pack my suitcases tomorrow for the hospital and apartment. I need to pack for both places since I won't be going home after the transplant and straight to the apartment. I don't want Mark and Mom to worry about packing for me. Also, I hope I won't be at the apartment too long. Dr. Kevin was released to go home after only 6 days leaving the hospital. That's what I want.
I am waiting up for Maxwell to get home from visiting Shane and Ernie, his coaches, in Sacramento. I hate worrying about these boys. But that's a Mom's job!
Have a wonderful Sunday. Enjoy every moment!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Waiting - 6 Days and Counting
6 days and counting till May 26th when I will be admitted to the hospital to begin the stem cell transplant. Wow, it is so scary to think in just a few short days I will be spending the next 3 weeks in the hospital. What's more scary is most of that time I will be really sick. It's the unknown that makes it scary. I don't know if I'm going to get mouth sores, nausea, bleeding and whatever else my body decides to do. I do know that the doctors will give me medication to help make me comfortable during this time.
This week I have just been resting. Monday and Tuesday I didn't have much energy and stayed at home. Today felt better but as soon as I started doing too much, I became fatigue. I saw the movie "The Reader" today. Good movie. No wonder why Kate Winslow won the Academy Award.
Tomorrow Max and I will take a ride to Potter Valley to visit Grandma, Mark's Mom. She wants us to bring some things up, like jelly beans. She loves her sweets. I also brought some chicken breakfast sausage I want her to try. If you remember Mark's Mom got sick the same time I had my heart transplant. Recently she had several lump nodes taken out for biopsy and today a few more were taken out. She has lost alot of weight and we need to get her to start eating again. I'm bringing her whole chickens, mixed nuts, the chicken sausage and more. Anything to get her to eat.
Don't have any plans for the Memorial Day weekend this year. So sad I can't go to the trailer and be with my friends. First time in many years, but there's always next year. Mark and I will spend the night at cousin Marie's house on Monday. We have to be at the hospital Tuesday morning by 9:00AM and her house is about half hour away from Stanford.
Have a wonderful evening!
This week I have just been resting. Monday and Tuesday I didn't have much energy and stayed at home. Today felt better but as soon as I started doing too much, I became fatigue. I saw the movie "The Reader" today. Good movie. No wonder why Kate Winslow won the Academy Award.
Tomorrow Max and I will take a ride to Potter Valley to visit Grandma, Mark's Mom. She wants us to bring some things up, like jelly beans. She loves her sweets. I also brought some chicken breakfast sausage I want her to try. If you remember Mark's Mom got sick the same time I had my heart transplant. Recently she had several lump nodes taken out for biopsy and today a few more were taken out. She has lost alot of weight and we need to get her to start eating again. I'm bringing her whole chickens, mixed nuts, the chicken sausage and more. Anything to get her to eat.
Don't have any plans for the Memorial Day weekend this year. So sad I can't go to the trailer and be with my friends. First time in many years, but there's always next year. Mark and I will spend the night at cousin Marie's house on Monday. We have to be at the hospital Tuesday morning by 9:00AM and her house is about half hour away from Stanford.
Have a wonderful evening!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Slow Dance
Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain slapping the ground.
Ever followed a butterfly's' erra tic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night.
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day on the fly?
When ask how are you.
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done,
do you lie in your bed with the next 100 chores running through your head?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
will do it tomorrow,
and in your haste, not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die
cause you never had time to call and say "hi"?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift...
thrown away.
Life is not a race...
Do take it slower..
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
Counting Down
Counting down to the beginning of my new normal life. Today is Monday and in just 8 days I begin the next part of the stem cell transplant. This is the part I have stressed most about. I know I will be sick, when I feel so good now. I know its just a short time and maybe I will be lucky enough not to experience all of the bad things that happen when undergoing chemo. We have to wait and see.
I had a wonderful weekend. Mark and I drove to the lake to see the trailer. I was able to walk from the lake to my trailer without shortness of breath. That was such an accomplishment for me because last September it took me 4 times stopping to catch my breath before I made it to my trailer. I walked all around the trailer park visiting with friends and never felt out of breath. I am so blessed! I made a list of things I need done to the trailer before I spend my recovery time there this summer. I want it cleaned top to bottom to remove all dust, spider webs and to disinfect it. It is so important after the stem cell transplant to live in a dust free environment.
Yesterday and this week I plan to spend it resting and relaxing before next week. I will be packing, paying bills, and taking care of last minute things because I will be gone for 4-6 weeks.
Please read the following poem written by a young cancer patient who has 6 months to live. Her words say it all and I hope you will listen. This is exactly what I have tried to say and teach each of us to live our lives. Live your life as a "Slow Dance".
Have a wonderful week and enjoy each moment!
I had a wonderful weekend. Mark and I drove to the lake to see the trailer. I was able to walk from the lake to my trailer without shortness of breath. That was such an accomplishment for me because last September it took me 4 times stopping to catch my breath before I made it to my trailer. I walked all around the trailer park visiting with friends and never felt out of breath. I am so blessed! I made a list of things I need done to the trailer before I spend my recovery time there this summer. I want it cleaned top to bottom to remove all dust, spider webs and to disinfect it. It is so important after the stem cell transplant to live in a dust free environment.
Yesterday and this week I plan to spend it resting and relaxing before next week. I will be packing, paying bills, and taking care of last minute things because I will be gone for 4-6 weeks.
Please read the following poem written by a young cancer patient who has 6 months to live. Her words say it all and I hope you will listen. This is exactly what I have tried to say and teach each of us to live our lives. Live your life as a "Slow Dance".
Have a wonderful week and enjoy each moment!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Day 6
Today was spent catching up on everything since I have been gone for the last week. I did grocery shopping, laundry, bills, and a million other things. Zoe, nurse coordinator for BMT, just called and said moving up the transplant date will not work and said we need to stick with the 26th. Oh well, I tried. So the 26th is the date and a new beginning.
I went to my hair dresser today and got my hair washed and style. I hate this catheter. I can't get it wet, so taking a shower is hard. The first time I tried it got wet. Mom and I carefully taped and secured it but it didn't work. So I thought I would have Brian wash and style my hair every 2 or 3 days, so I don't run the risk of the bandage getting wet. I'm spoiling myself.
Zoe said the next week and half is important and to use common sense. Stay away from ill people, wear mask in large crowds and most importantly wash your hands and gel up. She said go out to restaurants now because after transplant I won't be able to eat out. So for the next week I will rest and take care of things I need to do before I leave home for the next 5-6 weeks.
I went to my hair dresser today and got my hair washed and style. I hate this catheter. I can't get it wet, so taking a shower is hard. The first time I tried it got wet. Mom and I carefully taped and secured it but it didn't work. So I thought I would have Brian wash and style my hair every 2 or 3 days, so I don't run the risk of the bandage getting wet. I'm spoiling myself.
Zoe said the next week and half is important and to use common sense. Stay away from ill people, wear mask in large crowds and most importantly wash your hands and gel up. She said go out to restaurants now because after transplant I won't be able to eat out. So for the next week I will rest and take care of things I need to do before I leave home for the next 5-6 weeks.
One Door Closes..Another Opens
Revelations 3:8
When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go, only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! 'The power of one sentence! God is going to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor. God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close. Have a blessed day and remember to be a blessing...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Day 5
Sorry I haven't posted since Day 4. I was admitted to Stanford yesterday. After an hour of running around the hospital to get a bed and begin the cell collection, I finally got going at 10:30AM.
My Mom talked to the aphersis nurse, Felix, about the pain I was having for the last 3 days. He was so excited to hear I had a lot of pain. He said that was a good sign that the stem cell collection would go well. He was right! In just 3 1/2 hours, I collected all the stem cells I need for the transplant. I couldn't believe how well it went. Also, my white blood cell count was at 49 which was also a good sign. The color and consistency of the stem cells collected, Felix said were thick and creamy to him. All of this made no sense to me, except I was able to collect all the needed stem cells in just one day. I asked the bone marrow transplant team if I could move the transplant date up one week. They felt it wasn't a problem but would let me know tomorrow. I felt like why not get it over with!
I was released from the hospital today. Thank God. What a one night stay! They forgot about me and I didn't get any lunch until 3:30PM and dinner until 8:30PM. I should have passed on both because all I got was a dryed out turkey sandwich. I didn't even eat the one for dinner. I ended up dizzy and nausea by the time the sandwich came. To be honest I think the two nurses I had for the day and night were not very good. I complained to the doctors this morning. I also told them I felt they didn't know how to handle a stem cell transplant patient. The lab nurse came to draw blood this morning and poked me again. I said why aren't you using the catheter, that's what it is for. She said I would have to ask the nurse. I asked and he said "oh no, we can't use the catheter, it's only for aphersis nurses". The doctor said "no, he is wrong and I will handle that too". I don't like to complain but I'm going through a very serious procedure and I don't want to be treated this way. Eating at 8:30PM and a sandwich to boot is not right. I have so many pills to take and I can't do it on just a sandwich. I need my strength!
So hopefully next time things will go smoother. I'm sure it will! I'm so anxious to get going and have it over. I want to start living my "new normal life". Dr. Kevin came by to see me yesterday. He looks wonderful! He said he is still a little fatigue but each day things are looking up for him. That's where I want to be.
I'm going to rest the rest of the week. I want to be healthy and ready for the next step.
Have a wonderful week and I will post when I know whether the transplant date has been moved up.
My Mom talked to the aphersis nurse, Felix, about the pain I was having for the last 3 days. He was so excited to hear I had a lot of pain. He said that was a good sign that the stem cell collection would go well. He was right! In just 3 1/2 hours, I collected all the stem cells I need for the transplant. I couldn't believe how well it went. Also, my white blood cell count was at 49 which was also a good sign. The color and consistency of the stem cells collected, Felix said were thick and creamy to him. All of this made no sense to me, except I was able to collect all the needed stem cells in just one day. I asked the bone marrow transplant team if I could move the transplant date up one week. They felt it wasn't a problem but would let me know tomorrow. I felt like why not get it over with!
I was released from the hospital today. Thank God. What a one night stay! They forgot about me and I didn't get any lunch until 3:30PM and dinner until 8:30PM. I should have passed on both because all I got was a dryed out turkey sandwich. I didn't even eat the one for dinner. I ended up dizzy and nausea by the time the sandwich came. To be honest I think the two nurses I had for the day and night were not very good. I complained to the doctors this morning. I also told them I felt they didn't know how to handle a stem cell transplant patient. The lab nurse came to draw blood this morning and poked me again. I said why aren't you using the catheter, that's what it is for. She said I would have to ask the nurse. I asked and he said "oh no, we can't use the catheter, it's only for aphersis nurses". The doctor said "no, he is wrong and I will handle that too". I don't like to complain but I'm going through a very serious procedure and I don't want to be treated this way. Eating at 8:30PM and a sandwich to boot is not right. I have so many pills to take and I can't do it on just a sandwich. I need my strength!
So hopefully next time things will go smoother. I'm sure it will! I'm so anxious to get going and have it over. I want to start living my "new normal life". Dr. Kevin came by to see me yesterday. He looks wonderful! He said he is still a little fatigue but each day things are looking up for him. That's where I want to be.
I'm going to rest the rest of the week. I want to be healthy and ready for the next step.
Have a wonderful week and I will post when I know whether the transplant date has been moved up.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Day 4
Yesterday didn't quite go the way we thought. Markie called while I was going to Stanford in the morning and said he was sick. Disappointed I can't take a risk of getting sick so close to the transplant. So I said you can't come and see me. I called Mark and told him Markie was sick and we decided it would be better for him and Maxwell to come down today, Sunday.
This morning Mom and I went to Stanford at 8:30AM to get blood draw and my shot of Neupogen. That went very smooth and we were back to the apartment by 9:30AM. Mark and Maxwell came at 11:30AM with vases of beautiful roses (everyone knows where they got the roses) and cards for Mom and me. It was so nice of them to do that.
I made ham and scalloped potatoes with corn for dinner. Maxwell ate and ran to play hockey in Santa Rosa at 8:00PM. We had a wonderful day!
Stanford called and said my WBC was 38.8. High but ok for Mom to give me the evening shot of Neupogen. A few hours later a nurse from Stanford called regarding my room for check in tomorrow. I wish it was Mr. Askei calling from the Montage in Beverly Hills saying my room will be ready at 10:00AM. Ha Ha! While the nurse proceeded to say she didn't have a room available in E1 (Bone Marrow Transplant Unit) and that I would most likely be staying in D1 (Coronary Unit) or B1 (don't know what unit that is). She said to call back tomorrow morning at 6:00AM to find out where I will be going.
I didn't sleep well last night. The Neupogen shot causes bone pain and did I have it. All night I was up with bone pain in my lower back, thighs and arms. I was up every two hours and finally decided to take a vicadin, the second one. The first one did nothing and to be honest neither did the second one. I kept dozing off for two hours and waking up in pain. Morning finally came and I felt ok during the day. At the moment I am very tired but need to wait until 8:00PM for Mom to give me my shot. Mark is staying with us tonight to bring me to the hospital in the morning and then Mom and him will go back home. He will be back to pick me up from the hospital when I'm ready to leave.
The stay in the apartment was nice but it is not home. I had a beautiful view of the garden area which reminded me of Hawaii. Only thing missing was the beach! Wouldn't that be nice to be in Hawaii? Next year is my goal!
Hope the Moms had a wonderful Mother's Day. I did except missing Matthew, Markie and Erin. I will write again tomorrow evening after my first cell collection. Pray everything goes well and lots of those little guys come out! What a moment it will be!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Day 2 and Day 3
Day 2
Day 2 started out early in the morning and the ride to Stanford Medical Center. Mom and I did not know how the commute traffic would be so we left at 7:45AM. The ride went smooth, not too much traffic.
We arrived at Stanford at 8:15AM to the apheresis unit. That unit so far has not been very busy. I said to Mom that is one place you don't want to see very busy. The ITA which stands for Infusion Treatment Area is VERY busy. Most patients wait up to one or two hours for infusion. I will be there after the stem cell transplant. The nurse, Victoria, welcomed us and ask that I take chair #2. I was going for door #2 and the trip to Hawaii! HaHa. She then took my vitals and everything was great. Next came blood draw. WOW was that easy now that the catheter is inserted in me. It took less than a minute to get two samples. She flushed my lines so I didn't have to do it later. I asked if she would change the dressing on the catheter but she decided it was too soon and to wait until today, Saturday. Next came the shot. It is interesting how each nurse has a different technique when giving shots. She poked me and started scratching her finger next to the site on my stomach. I wasn't noticing the shot but her finger scratching my skin. Then she used a cotton ball over the site and rubbbed in small little circles. I didn't have the burning sensation that I get after the shot.
Victoria said Mom and I would have to call in to Stanford at 5:00PM to check WBC (White Blood Count). That was new to me, no one said anything about that. She said if the WBC got too high they would not have me do the shot at night. Day 1 WBC was 8 and Day 2 it was 25 when she called me at 3:00PM. Wow that was a big jump. She said my body is sensitive to the drug and that it was ok to get the shot in the evening. They were going to watch the WBC each day. The cutoff number is 45.
Mom and I spent the rest of the day and evening relaxing. We watched hockey games, movies and read. Mom made her famous frittata for dinner with lamb chops. It was so good. I haven't been sleeping well because of the catheter and yesterday I had back pain. The doctors said I would experience bone pain from the neupogen shots. At 2:30AM I took a Vicodin for the pain and finally went to sleep for a few hours.
Today is Day 3 and we have to be at Stanford at 8:30AM for the shot and blood draw. Then this afternoon Mark, Maxwell, Markie and Erin will come to visit and celebrate Mother's Day. We are having ham and scalloped potatoes. Mark will stay tonight and Sunday night to help Mom bring me to the hospital on Monday. I'm anxious to begin cell collection and get that part over.
Have a wonderful Saturday! It is going to be beautiful weather, so enjoy the moment.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day 1
Today was the first day and it started at 8:00AM. Mark, Mom and I got to the aphersis unit at Stanford. The nurse took vitals and temperature. Next she started taking blood for lab work. All was going well until she took out the needle and notice she forgot to take blood for one test CMV. So0000, she had to start another blood draw on my other arm. That did not go well. She used the area around my wrist, which is kind of tender and got it in but the vein collapsed. Oh this is not good! So she called another nurse to help. I have been told my skin is very tough and don't I know it. How could anyone go through what I have gone through and not have tough skin. So the other nurse decided that because I was going to have my catheter inserted upstairs that they should help the nurses and start the IV line now. She proceed to insert this HUGE needle with a plastic coating through the same area as the other nurse and I lost it. I started to cry because it hurt BAD. Mom immediately came to my side to help me get through it while the nurse kept pushing this needle in me. That was not fun. Next came the neupogen shot. The nurse asked if I was going to do self injections and I said no, that my Mom would give me the shots. She asked Mom if she wanted to give me the first shot with her standing over me and Mom said yes. I could tell Mom was nervous but she did it perfectly. She started pushing the drug in fast and the nurse said to slow down because of a burning sensation. Once she did it was fine. I had the burning sensation for a few hours but no reaction to the drug so far. Mom will have to give me the shot again tonight and each night we are in the apartment. After that ordeal it was time to go up to the 3rd floor to start the procedure to insert the Hickman catheter into my chest.
To be honest I was so nervous for weeks about this procedure but really it went quite well. It felt exactly like the 20 plus heart biopsies I have had. My neck is sore and I have two incisions
in my chest with tubes running out of them. It looks so attractive. Mom and I learned how to clean it and flush the lines, so I think we will be fine. I'm not concerned because I will be in the hospital more than at home anyway. Right now I'm really tired and my neck is sore.
Tomorrow we have day 2 which starts at the aphersis unit for my shot and blood work and then we are free for the rest of the day. I want Mom to watch the movie with Will Smith called "Seven Pounds". Great movie! We are going to just rest and relax and maybe go for a short walk around the apartment complex. The grounds are beautiful with lots of trees and flowers.
I will continue going to Stanford on Saturday and Sunday for my shot and blood draw. Mom will give me the shot each evening. On Monday I will be admitted to Stanford for the first day of stem cell collection. The nurse said the first day they have a good feeling of how many stem cells they can collect and how long I will be in the hospital for stem cell collection. I am hoping only a few days. Only time will tell.
Yesterday I realized just how lucky I am. Mom and I meet two amazing young women. Both so beautiful. One who had a very rare cancer who was told by the doctors that chemo is not working and there is nothing else they can do for her. The other looked like about 20-25 years old with breast cancer. She had the operation to remove both breasts and yesterday was her first day of chemo. I am so blessed to be able to have the stem cell transplant and of course my beautiful shared heart to fight this horrible disease. I have options and they don't. I pray for them and realize just how blessed I am. Each of us needs to look at our lives and think about how blessed we are to be healthy and alive.
Enjoy those moments that take your breath away! Moments for me like this weekend spending time with my three sons and my daughter Erin. I want more times like that!
Have a wonderful evening!
To be honest I was so nervous for weeks about this procedure but really it went quite well. It felt exactly like the 20 plus heart biopsies I have had. My neck is sore and I have two incisions
in my chest with tubes running out of them. It looks so attractive. Mom and I learned how to clean it and flush the lines, so I think we will be fine. I'm not concerned because I will be in the hospital more than at home anyway. Right now I'm really tired and my neck is sore.
Tomorrow we have day 2 which starts at the aphersis unit for my shot and blood work and then we are free for the rest of the day. I want Mom to watch the movie with Will Smith called "Seven Pounds". Great movie! We are going to just rest and relax and maybe go for a short walk around the apartment complex. The grounds are beautiful with lots of trees and flowers.
I will continue going to Stanford on Saturday and Sunday for my shot and blood draw. Mom will give me the shot each evening. On Monday I will be admitted to Stanford for the first day of stem cell collection. The nurse said the first day they have a good feeling of how many stem cells they can collect and how long I will be in the hospital for stem cell collection. I am hoping only a few days. Only time will tell.
Yesterday I realized just how lucky I am. Mom and I meet two amazing young women. Both so beautiful. One who had a very rare cancer who was told by the doctors that chemo is not working and there is nothing else they can do for her. The other looked like about 20-25 years old with breast cancer. She had the operation to remove both breasts and yesterday was her first day of chemo. I am so blessed to be able to have the stem cell transplant and of course my beautiful shared heart to fight this horrible disease. I have options and they don't. I pray for them and realize just how blessed I am. Each of us needs to look at our lives and think about how blessed we are to be healthy and alive.
Enjoy those moments that take your breath away! Moments for me like this weekend spending time with my three sons and my daughter Erin. I want more times like that!
Have a wonderful evening!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Day is Here!

Tomorrow is the beginning of the next step towards my "new normal life"
Tomorrow we leave for the apartment and my first hospital stay at Stanford. Then on Thursday morning I begin the first shot of neupogen and catheter placement. I will continue taking these shots morning and evening until the goal is reached = 3-5 million stem cells are collected. Collection begins on Monday, May 11th. Normally it takes 1-5 days for stem cell collection and on an average just 2 days. I'm going for two days! Once 3-5 million stem cells are collected, they are frozen and stored until my transplant day of May 29th. So this is the beginning!
I had a great weekend. My boys Mark and Maxwell were in the 2nd annual Snoopy ice hockey tournament. I watched hockey Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It brought back so many memories. It felt great! Mark and Maxwell's teams played each other on Sunday morning. It was hard cheering for each team but I stay neutral. Maxwell's team won and went into the championship game at 3:00PM. Maxwell's team played the Winos and won the championship game. It was a fun weekend! That was my life every weekend and I wouldn't have changed it for a moment.
It was a great weekend because I had all three boys and of course my daughter Erin home. Matthew drove up from Los Angeles with Cassie, his doggie. We had some much fun this weekend. I made spaghetti and chicken parmagian on Sunday (Matt's favorite). It was so good!
I will try to post each night after returning from Stanford and also when I go into the hospital on Monday, May 11th.
Have a wonderful evening! Enjoy the moments!
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